Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Glove

This incident happened about a few days ago. I was walking home from the grocery store and it's about a 2km walk in the cold weather. I was carry 1 small bag but it was full to the max with groceries. If I had carried it by the handle, it would have broke. So I just carried the groceries in my arms.

I wanted to hurry home, so I didn't stop to put on my gloves (I know, silly me). Instead, I just put them on top of the groceries in the bag.

As I was walking, I noticed 2 teenage boys walking on the other side of the street. They then crossed the street and were behind me, so I started to pick up the pace because it was dark and I was afraid something was going to happen.

I continued to walk and then I hear foot steps running behind me. I was thinking "should I make a run for it or just keep walking?" So I started to walk faster. Eventually the person behind caught up to me and it was one of the boys. He had my glove in his hand and said "I think you dropped this." It was indeed one of my gloves and I didn't realize I had dropped one of my gloves!

I thanked him and told him I appreciated him making a run for it to return my glove. The boy ran back to his friend who was a bit behind us. I walked further and as I was turning into my area, I turned around and waved back to them.

I realized that sometimes assumptions about people can be wrong and having my glove returned to me from someone unexpected made my evening :)